The Canonization of Blessed Louis and Blessed Zelie Martin - STP News - Santa Teresita Parish

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The Canonization of Blessed Louis and Blessed Zelie Martin

Published by Rosalinda Igna in News Update · 29/10/2015 18:12:38

Louis Martin and Zelie Guerin are the parents of our Patroness, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus. They were both beatified on October 19, 2008 not because they contributed five (5) religious sisters to the church, one a Saint and another one soon to be a Saint, but because their married life was an extraordinary example of an ideal Christian couple. Together they raised their children modestly. They invited the poor to dine in their home, visited the elderly and taught their daughters to treat the underprivileged fairly.

Their life was a life of daily holiness filled with love. In a Christian marriage, couples can strive to lead each other in holiness and this is how they lived. They were canonized to Sainthood last October 18, 2015 by Pope Francis. As a tribute to this solemn event, Santa Teresita Parish celebrated a Triduum Mass last October 15-17, 2015. Each day, a couple from the communities of Couples for Christ (CFC) and Immaculate Heart of Mary Marriage Encounter Community, Inc.(IHMMEC) shared their testimonies about their married life, their struggles and hopes, their relationship with their children, how they strive to become responsible parents and eventually as a pastoral team how to give support to fellow couples in their communities thus, fulfilling their mission.  

At present time where there is a subtle attack on the family, the loving response and gift of God for our time is the Martin couple. They teach us where and how to find God’s love and how to respond with love. As Saint Therese said,” The Good Lord gave me a father and a mother more worthy of heaven than of earth”.  Couples who were present in the community mass at 6:30 in the evening of October 18, 2015 were blessed by Fr. Richard Magararu, SMM invoking the intercession of the newly canonized saint couple, St. Louis and Saint Zelie.

St. Louis Martin and St. Zelie Martin, pray for us!

- Rosalinda Igna

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